Monday, January 18

There you go, comes the end of a week and start of another. Well, definitely a simple Sunday spent. Dinner and movie with loulou at Jurong Point. Daybreakers might not be the best vampires related movie, but it was alright. 3.5/5 I would rate. This also revealed a series of must-watch movies in near future. I suck at names and titles but yea, I wanna watch them. Haha

On a side note, I've decided not to be in the competition. Its not that I'm not up to this challenge, but rather, I'm contented with my life as of now. I don't want no interferences.

Moments ago, I was chatting with Santos. I do feel him, in a way. See, whats the point of staying in a job if you're not loving it. Dragging yourself to work is just not the solution. Nonetheless, he's looking forward to Bali in April, good for him. He offered for me and loulou to join, but thats not possible unless loulou wants to go! Hee shall ask him tomorrow. I hope it doesnt clash with his re-service. =S

Alright, time for bed. School tomorrow. =(

xoxo, with love.